Monday, September 25, 2006

Performing Again

Alright, time to get back to posting.

First of all, I had my first Boston show this past Monday. I took the commuter rail, the Red Line on the subway, and then walked for over a mile just to get to the bar in Somerville. I stayed at the bar for about 30 minutes before going onstage and dying like never before. I got a couple of half-hearted chuckles on a joke or two, but several jokes were met with complete silence. Fortunately (what a mean thing to say), I wasn’t the only guy to eat shit that night. Every single comedian died, until I decided that it was time for me to leave. At one point, a comedian got onstage and talked about his day, claiming that since he knew he wasn’t going to get laughs, he didn’t want to bother with jokes. All in all, a rough night. I am hoping to go to this place called the Green Dragon on Wednesday to redeem myself. This may be problematic as well.

My video is apparently in the mail, after over a month of e-yelling at this guy on Gmail. If this is the case, I will have it up in the next week for you to view. It might even get me a spot at the Comedy Studio in Cambridge, if I’m lucky.

Try-outs for the Brown Stand-up Comics are this weekend, but I am missing them to visit Andrea. I hope there is some way for me to join them, as I really want to get connected to other comics on campus and maybe even start an open mic for us to work on our material.

I saw the Comedians of Comedy twice last weekend, but that amazing story will have to wait until later. I have class now

P. S. I got a surprisingly spiteful and anonymous response to my post about incorporating the word "fart" into various famous album titles. I don't plan on using that as a stand-up bit at all, I just thought it was funny and decided to post it. I hope to use this blog as an outlet for other funny things I think of that won't translate well to stand-up. I hope that's ok with everyone.