Blogging from home
I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback about my video, and I appreciate all of it. The main critique that people have is that I jump around too much from topic to topic. I think this is actually the result of a pacing problem that I have in between bits. I think my bits are generally paced alright, but I am so afraid of losing momentum that I trample over my own laughs to get to the next joke, and I think that probably hurts the response I get overall. Also, I am dropping the inappropriate drunk bit, at least in this format. I used to use it as my closer, just because it was the biggest laugh I got on my first time ever performing, but it has failed to deliver a good laugh since then. I moved it to the middle of my set to take some of the pressure off the joke, but it still isn’t working, so I’m cutting it. It might work better as a sketch, or the beginning of a sketch at least.
While we’re talking shop about my set list, I am glad that I have a couple of jokes that blend together pretty well, cause easy transitions from joke to joke make it so much easier to deal with my pacing situation. I especially like my first two, which are both tattoo jokes that I enjoy. I especially like my first one, because it’s quick and it gives that audience a good idea of what they are going to get. I think the second one would have benefited from a mic.
Anyway, I am trying to write a sketch a week because I would love to get hired to write comedy for a living, and I need to practice a lot. So I will probably be working some of my ideas out on here, or just mentioning the ones I have written and how much I like them so far. I wrote two last week, one political satire and one more standard silly-character piece. I prefer the second one, but I think that’s because I am so much more comfortable writing non-political humor.
Actually, I think political humor is one of the most over-rated forms of comedy. This is not to suggest that I dislike political humor, but rather that I think really bad political humor gets way too much credit. So I want to make sure mine is appropriately funny in order to justify it, or else it just feels preachy. Anyway, enough about political humor, I could write a book about it, but I won’t. I’ll just check back in in a few days to talk about my jokes some more.
Hi. OK, so I feel pretty bad making a comment this far after you've posted this update... but I figure, better late than never, right? Anyway, in response to your comments about other people's remarks about you jumping from topic to topic, I think that having seen you perform, that your vid performance is a big improvement... And, it's not that your jokes have gotten that much better, it's just that you seem so much more comfortable. They were good in the first place, I just think that how you present them is a lot more smooth now. And, how you jump from topic to topic is the right point on the road for you. Personally, I'm very impressed and proud. Just thought I'd comment. Sorry it's a month and a half too late.
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